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Lexxi Saal is a teenager from New York. She founded the Lexxi Loves Foundation to support foster care families. She's also a singer/songwriter.

She was an award winner in the Kohl's Corporation "Kids Who Make A Difference" contest. She also had an article in Discovery Girls Magazine "Lexxi Loves".

She performed at the World Famous Apollo Theatre in November 2008.

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Today’s Brilliance from Lexxi Saal

Hi it's me Brilliant Lexxi. I am 11 years old. I may be small but I am convinced I can have many successes and make a difference in hundreds of lives. I have a mother who was adopted and when I thought about the possibility of a child not having a loving family a good night kiss or warm home, I could not do anything. Love is so easy to give and it is free! There is always more to give. You don't need money, only a heart. My goal is to make one more child feel special. Make one…

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